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TOP > Sowing on Kingdom Ground The Garden Chronicles【電子書籍】[ Tone Allen ]

Sowing on Kingdom Ground The Garden Chronicles【電子書籍】[ Tone Allen ]

<p>What began as a pride-filled pursuit to try her hand at living off the land eventually led Tone Allen to a deeper ground than one gets with the average gardening experience. Upon the first breaking of the soil, she realized God had ordained the piece of land as a meeting place for the two of them, where He would teach her much more about growing spiritually than how to grow a garden.</p> <p>Join Tone as she records these revelations, as God speaks through His creation, revealing deep-rooted issues surrounding the Body of Christ. As He uncovers the garden of the heart and shows us the attitude we need to complete His Great Commission to reach the lost, reflect on what abounds in your garden. What do you sow and what do you reap? Take this journey yourself and see what may be revealed to you as you watch Tone embrace intimate moments with the Father, as well as face her woodshed shames and how God uses them to grow her as an educator, a pastors wife, and above all, a child of God. See what is planted in you.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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